NPF goes to Washington

A group of eager volunteers descends on Congress for our 14th annual Capitol Hill Day Fly-in. On Sunday, March 18, 24 volunteers from 16 states along with six doctors and scientists arrived in Washington, D.C., to prepare for our annual trip to Congress. Our dual mission: to persuade our elected representatives to devote more funding…


Increasing access to treatment in Georgia: you can join the fight to stop step therapy

At the beginning of 2017, the National Psoriasis Foundation, in partnership with the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation, targeted the state of Georgia for the introduction and passage of step therapy legislation. Step therapy, also known as ”fail first,” is a health insurance mandate that restricts spending on prescription drugs. This mandate requires patients to fail first, often…


How we beat step therapy in Texas

NPF went face-to-face with the “fail-first” insurance policy that comes between you and your meds. Thanks to our volunteer advocates, we won a huge victory in the Lone Star State. In May, the governor of Texas signed a bill that will bring down barriers for patients to access timely, consistent and evidence-based medical care. With…
