California Patient Urges Lawmakers to Bring Commonsense Guardrails to Step Therapy

  California native Jennifer Pellegrin shares her story on the importance of getting the treatment you need, when you need it. By Jenn Pellegrin Editor’s note: Jennifer Pellegrin is a National Psoriasis Foundation volunteer advocate who is sharing her experience, in her own words, on how detrimental step therapy was to her treatment journey, and why state…

NPF goes to Washington

A group of eager volunteers descends on Congress for our 14th annual Capitol Hill Day Fly-in. On Sunday, March 18, 24 volunteers from 16 states along with six doctors and scientists arrived in Washington, D.C., to prepare for our annual trip to Congress. Our dual mission: to persuade our elected representatives to devote more funding…

How we beat step therapy in Texas

NPF went face-to-face with the “fail-first” insurance policy that comes between you and your meds. Thanks to our volunteer advocates, we won a huge victory in the Lone Star State. In May, the governor of Texas signed a bill that will bring down barriers for patients to access timely, consistent and evidence-based medical care. With…